Start with Innovation

Innovate quickly, smartly, and creatively to remain successful in a changing world.

Easy Access

Invest 100 hours in 100 days and you’ll be ‘up and running’.


Know immediately where and how you can innovate.

Inspiration and Structure

Build your innovation foundation. With handy tools, inspiring videos and more.

Who? Why?

Our innovation platform is specially designed for Innovation Managers, Ideation Managers, Marketing Managers and others who feel responsible for innovation within their organization.

Innovation is a prerequisite for staying successful in a changing world. However, due to the busyness of daily life and a tight innovation budget, innovation can sometimes be neglected. "Start with Innovation" helps you get started with innovating on time and on budget.

Online Platform

Starting to innovate can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be.
With our platform, you'll gain insight, inspiration and structure to easily get started with innovation:

  • See and embrace what you can achieve with innovation
  • Start innovating
  • Utilize handy tools, inspiring videos and more
  • Validate your innovations

Download our E-book and see how you can lay the foundation for all your innovations with 100 hours in 100 days.


"Het geeft goed weer waar je als MT staat, ook ten opzichte van anderen. Een concreet praatstuk om samen te bepalen wat de echte uitdagingen zijn waarmee je aan de slag moet., Verhelderend!

"Wat een goede test voor ons team! Doet soms een beetje pijn maar hier kunnen we echt wat mee."

"Nog nooit zo helder en duidelijk alle 'knoppen' in één overzicht gehad."

"Biedt veel herkenning en echte eye-openers en geeft snel een goed overzicht van wat mij en mijn MT de komende periode te doen staat."

"Waardevolle test! Op basis van de vraagstelling alleen al gaf het inzichten en bewustzijn van zaken die ik moet gaan oppakken."

"We hebben veel dingen goed voor elkaar maar er is ook nog heel veel werk aan de winkel."

The Urgency to Innovate Now

Initiators Jaspar Roos and Michiel Ykema on why every organization must start innovating to remain successful in a changing world.

Start Innovating






Stay Successful

Do the Quick Scan

Do you want to get a good impression of what fast, smart and creative innovation can mean for you and your organization?
Answer 16 inspiring questions about the eight dimensions of your innovation process and receive a free report with concrete insights that you can immediately get started with.

Start with 100 Hours in 100 Days

Download our E-book and see how you can lay the foundation for all your future innovations with 100 hours in 100 days.

What you will receive with our E-book

  • Understanding of the eight innovation dimensions and their coherence
  • Overview program (100 hours/100 days/4 blocks)
  • Overview Tools (Assessment, models, playbooks, toolkits, games)
  • Overview Videos and other Content (per innovation dimension)